Stream with me!
Join me online at any of the classes below.
Want to see other classes? Just contact me!
Streaming Timetable, Registration and Payment Info:
All class registrations are on a “pay as able” basis. Please pay what you are able. Hopefully the honesty system will work for everyone!
You may pay for a single class or a package of 3, 5 or 10 at whatever price you value the class at.
Payment options: bank transfer or Revolut transfer. All details provided upon class registration.
Please treat these classes with the same respect as you would any in-studio class by submitting timely payment either before or shortly after class.
1) click on the link (below) of the class you would like to register for. This will take you through a registration process wherein you can choose to take a single class or multiple recurrences of the same class.
2) Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions and a link and password to access the class. The link that zoom sends you should have the password automatically embedded.
1) Download the zoom app on your phone/tablet/laptop; you can even stream to your tv!
2) The link in your registration confirmation email will have a link to the Zoom class that you registered for. Click that link to access the class.
3) Please try to login at least 5 minutes early to make sure your audio and video settings are sorted.
4) Audio controls in Zoom are located in the bottom left corner; please ensure your audio is turned on so that you can hear the instructor.
5) Video controls in Zoom are located in the bottom left corner; of course your video is optional, but seeing you on my screen is great for two purposes: a) i can check if that you are safely moving your body through the exercises; and b) it is always lovely to see your faces, even if not in person!
6) A chat icon is along the bottom of your Zoom screen; use this function if you have any questions before, during or after the class.
7) ***IMPORTANT!***: Please note that some classes may be recorded, but you will receive immediate notification of this once you click the Zoom link. ***So long as you are muted, you will NOT appear on the recording.*** Certain classes are recorded as some people opt to pay for the on-demand class or are otherwise unable to attend the live session. The recordings are NOT made public.
Streaming Timetable
As above, these classes operate on a “pay as you are able” basis.
Please treat these classes with the same respect as you would any in-studio class by submitting timely payment either before or shortly after class.
for Monday evening classes: please see my in-studio class timetable at Canada Water Studios (645-8pm pregnancy yoga; 815-915pm Yoga + Pilates Fusion)
(this timetable is current as of February 2024)
8-9pm Restorative Yoga (safe for pregnancy and postnatal)
currently no Wednesday classes
currently no Friday classes
currently no Thursday classes
Restorative Yoga (On-Demand Only)
Note this Saturday class has changed from livestream to on-demand. If you would like to arrange a private restorative class (livestream or on-demand, suited to your needs), please contact me here.
Please see my in-studio timetable for classes at The Lodge on Saturdays
currently no live Sunday classes
I will take requests for private or semi-private online sessions for Sunday yoga. Your private session can be live or pre-recorded after consultation regarding your needs. Private sessions for any and all abilities, including beginner, pregnancy and postnatal. Please contact me here if interested.