birth is the most formative experience of our lives”
- Katherine Graves, KG Hypnobirthing
Hypnobirthing: A Birth Preparation Essential
Katharine Graves (KG) Hypnobirthing provides a logical process for preparing parents for birth, including letting go of fear each day and building confidence each day, feeling empowered regarding pregnancy and birth. KGH prepares parents emotionally, psychologically and physically for the most important event in their lives. KGHypnobirthing is currently the only hypnobirthing teaching in UK hospitals and is proudly accredited by the Royal College of Midwives.
Your baby deserves a positive birth experience.
Mothers deserve a positive birth experience.
Fathers or Birth Partners deserve a positive birth experience.
My Experience and Why I Chose KGH
As a pregnancy yoga and postnatal yoga instructor, I am always in awe of the power of a woman’s body to carry a child and give birth to a beautiful tiny human. This inspired me to become an accredited instructor in KG Hypnobirthing, which is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. KGH is now recognised as the brand leader in hypnobirthing in the UK.
I feel so privileged to have assisted hundreds of mums during pregnancy and postnatal yoga. To be a part of someone’s life at such a special time as pregnancy, knowing that I can help to make the experience even better, is an honour indeed.
What is Hypnobirthing and Why Should I Consider It?
Perhaps you have heard the term "hypnobirthing” from other parents and were inspired to learn more? Alternatively, did you hear the term “hypnobirthing”, wonder about “hypno” and imagine a staged hypnosis with people quacking like ducks?! Fear not. KGHypnobirthing is a logical, evidence-based system designed to help expectant mothers let go of their fears and build confidence in the natural process of birth. It achieves this through practicing relaxation techniques and empowering parents to ask thought-out questions about their care and options when giving birth. Regardless of your preferred birth option, hypnobirthing techniques will help both before and during giving birth.
The British Medical Association, which has endorsed hypnotherapy since 1957, states that ‘hypnosis is an effective method of relieving pain in childbirth’. Hypnobirthing involves using your body’s own natural resources - your breath, your naturally-occurring chemicals, your movements, your parental instincts - to aid you in child birth. Put quite simply, couples come to hypnobirthing classes to have a more comfortable birth, physically and mentally.
What My Course Gives You
My course will arm you with the knowledge and the tools to empower you to have the best natural child birth for you. You need information and knowledge in order to get the best from the system in which you find yourself. You need to understand the implications of the choices you may be required to make. Most of all, you need to release fear and learn to trust your body, your parental instincts, and your baby. The information and knowledge you gain from this course will allow you to achieve this.
My hypnobirthing course is designed to help you release fear and build confidence regarding birth. The program consists of a lot of simple concepts that, when put together, make a very big difference; these simple and straightforward concepts include, among others, breathing techniques, affirmations, empowering you to make thoughtful choices and ask questions, understanding how the female body is perfectly designed to give birth and understanding the importance of the father or birth partner in the process.
Mum, dad/birth partner and baby all benefit from hypnobirthing. My course will give you knowledge and techniques for birth that will lead you down a path toward a calm, confident and comfortable (yes, comfortable!) birth experience. I will guide you to a place of relaxation and calmness, ready to welcome your baby into the world. Partners quickly learn how important a role they have in this process. Couples come to hypnobirthing to have a more comfortable birth; this also means a calm and gentle birth for your baby.
As Katharine Graves says, “Birth is the most informative experience of our lives, and a baby who enters the world drug-free and alert, to be greeted by a mother who is also alert, loving and confident, starts life and forms its first relationship in this world in the best possible way.” Imagine if we had more babies born into the world in this manner. When viewed in this perspective, the importance of hypnobirthing cannot be overestimated.
I always welcome your questions and encourage skepticism as I want you to make the best decision for you and your family. Please contact me here.
Choosing a Course
I offer four course options as described below. The full course consists of 12 hours of “classroom” time.
1) Small Group Courses: This course takes place over two consecutive weekends, six hours per weekend. Some couple prefer this option as it can be nice to meet fellow parents and share ideas and experiences in a group setting.
£325 per couple online
£425 per couple in-person at a local studio or in your home
2) Private Courses: This option allows us to focus more time on topics relevant to your birth desires and allows for a schedule tailored specifically to your needs.
£375 per couple online
£475 per couple in your home
3) Small Group Course plus a 1-hour private consult: This package gives you the small group course experience as well as a one-to-one consult in private at a time of your choosing.
£360 per couple online
£460 per couple in-studio at a local studio or in your home
4) Private consults or refresher sessions: This option is for couples who previously took a full course. Please contact me to discuss your needs.
FREE 1-hour TASTER SESSIONS: I periodically hold a FREE 1-hour taster session to answer questions and generally introduce parents to the wonderful world of hypnobirthing. Stay tuned by checking here for when my next taster session will be - or better yet, make sure you are subscribed to my email list so you don’t miss any alerts for free sessions and upcoming classes, retreats and workshops!
Upcoming Courses
The next course dates are:
APRIL, MAY and JUNE 2024: online or in-person
online dates TBD
dates to tailor your needs for in-person private or semi-private course
You can check my KGH accreditation here.
Let’s Stay in Touch!
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I am proud to be a fully accredited KGH teacher!